Monthly Archives: March 2011

Triple Backgrounds are what everyone wants to use on their sites now.”

Backgrounds by Marie is a family business. You can use Maries’s set’s and graphics for free (linkware), except the precious one of her family page. You can buy exclusive ones, order custom ones, and if all this is not enough to make your page special, you can use a triple background maker, perfectly working tool to pick up graphics and mix them into the bold border for your content.

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Deborah, I am sorry, but it was simply too good.

I think the missing images support the message.

They have been missing since the page was created, because of mistakes in the source code of this page (line breaks in the URLs to be precise). So I took the freedom to collect the images the author intended to show in order of (non-) appearance:

Original URL:

Dragan and me are a big part of a small exhibition called  Kitsch Digital in Barcelona, we are happy that our works — Gravity, Midnight, Dimensions — all represent the 1990’s in the exposition. It is a big deal for us to appear on walls marked with an under construction sign!

Peers! Y U NO SEED?

Most of Geocities pages link to other Geocities pages, moreover, links usually stay inside a particular neighborhood.

But if you manage to get out from the Geocities archive, through the link that is still actual, then there is a good chance you’ll find yourself in a jungle of files and links Google’s algoritm is not daring to wade through. This is how I went from Marsha to a page dedicated to her. there I found the link to The Mystical world of Unicorns. All you unicorns there looked familiar, but unicorn.midi made me curious. It appeared to be composed by Geoff, who has a rich collection of original midi compositions. It is also smartly organized. Geoff’s wife writes about fairies. Again, great music on the page.

Disturbing navigation, Dragan mentioned yesterday as a part of the Awesome Wonder set by a master of nested tables layouts Marsha Durham.

Above of all the terms and conditions she insists: I DO REQUIRE THAT MY GRAPHICS DO NOT BE USED ON ANY PORNOGRAPHIC SITE.

OH YEAH?? What about you learning some HTML yourself?

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