Peers! Y U NO SEED?

Most of Geocities pages link to other Geocities pages, moreover, links usually stay inside a particular neighborhood.

But if you manage to get out from the Geocities archive, through the link that is still actual, then there is a good chance you’ll find yourself in a jungle of files and links Google’s algoritm is not daring to wade through. This is how I went from Marsha to a page dedicated to her. there I found the link to The Mystical world of Unicorns. All you unicorns there looked familiar, but unicorn.midi made me curious. It appeared to be composed by Geoff, who has a rich collection of original midi compositions. It is also smartly organized. Geoff’s wife writes about fairies. Again, great music on the page.

Disturbing navigation, Dragan mentioned yesterday as a part of the Awesome Wonder set by a master of nested tables layouts Marsha Durham.

Above of all the terms and conditions she insists: I DO REQUIRE THAT MY GRAPHICS DO NOT BE USED ON ANY PORNOGRAPHIC SITE.

OH YEAH?? What about you learning some HTML yourself?

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How in the world were people showing grandma videos of their babies in 1998, seven years before Youtube went online??

GIFs, of course. With only a bit better cut loops, Dalyn could have become a meme superstar.

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Geocities webmaster Mike found inspiration about his home page:

Here is the (relevant part of the) story:

If you have ever truly surfed the web and found an outstanding home page, that struck a (MIDI) chord with you, grabbed your (animated GIF) heart, creeped (slowly loading) into your soul, you can relate to this story.

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